Photography has been transformed by digital cameras, smart phone apps, and the web. In 2003 I bought my first good digital camera with macro capability. The pictures below have won awards. Both involved the creative arrangement of objects.

"The Gaze" 
2003 Photo of the Year, Frederick Maryland Camera Clique

Created from old violin parts.
"Fractured Perfection"
3rd Place (photography)
2014 Franklin County, PA, Artists Alliance annual show

   Returning to using mannequins for photography, I began creating total "image" variations for now affordable plastic mannequins. It was a creative challenge to choose the outfits, the hair, the shoes, and the accessories. I entered one of them that I titled "Lady Detective" in the 2017 Franklin County annual show. She got lots of attention, but no award! Actually, she freaked some people out as they entered the exhibition, and others (men) seemed to experience uncomfortable feelings in her presence.

   Another idea was to coordinate mannequin looks with my art and to use those unique creative images and an advertising vehicle for selling art online. Relational Intelligence explains some of the fundamental ways in which creative advertising works.

   Here are some examples of my "art gallery hostesses".

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